ya i know but i also want a self sustaining method though, not one where i have to spend lots of money or find something to do with hundreds of bass i catch a year. has anybody here seen this thread? http://forums.pondboss.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=232366 he adds 12 tigers to a 5 acre pond and now has big bass and crappie. however i do not want to add so many that in a couple years i have to start taking them out i would rather just add enough that i can leave them in there and they wont eat more than i want them to once they get big. im pretty positive im going to try the tiger muskie at this point unless someone here makes a good point to not do it or one for regular muskie instead. I would appreciate some stocking numbers, the ones i get will be 12 inches.