It's all about how aggressive you want to control your bass population.

If you want to take down the bass population quickly, toss in 4 male muskies.

If you want to moderately control the bass, toss in 2 or 3.

If you just want to maintain the population, 2 males.

Be warned though, I've talked to the Depart. of Fish and Wildlife personnel earlier, larger males in the 15 to 18 lbs category will take out bass, regardless of size. The wardens found bite marks during their outings which belong to the muskies, yet, the floating bodies that were not consumed. Aggressive territorial dispute maybe?

Moderately controlling the small bass population, toss in 4 females and see how that goes. Female are much less aggressive than males. They will feed based on their appetites, and only territorial when it comes to spawning. Light-moderate control, toss in 3 to see how it goes. Aggressively, toss in 5.

Talk to the local fisheries that carry these muskies that you want. Just need to think over what you want to do in the long run.


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