Originally Posted By: esshup
When we were on the boat fishing we never worried about parasites. The chef would say "Who wants to donate the next Mahi Mahi that they catch to make sushi?"

Essup,saltwater and freshwater fish carry different parasites and anadromous fish like salmon can carry both.

Fish like mahi mahi and tuna carry what we called round worms in the restaurant (forget the real name) and they are visible for the most part in the flesh but not always.I used to come across these more then the average person would care to know.

Parasites in freshwater fish like trout and walleye while I know less about,I do know they are different.We where always just taught to be sure they are cooked.It's been so long now but I seem to remember that they could carry a form of tapeworm,but please don't hold me to that.

One last thing,the saltwater parasites can cause allergic reactions even when cooked dead.............Have you ever ran across anyone who eats or ate seafood,and then all of a sudden they are allergic or had a reaction.Chances are these little buggers caused it and not the actual fish.