Regular 'hot' smoking around 190-210 will let you get across your 140 safety barrier. And you can 'cold' smoke it for some flavor then 'hot' smoke it or bake it to get it over 140.

Consider that most standard refrigerators don't actual hold the temp below 40 (the other safety barrier)--too much food in there, opening and closing of the door, cheaply made thermometer or incorrect settings. So your ground beef that is sitting in there for 2-3 days before you make hamburgers is often sitting in the 40-140 danger zone. Meat at the grocery is unlikely to sit at under 40 in the cases where people are grabbing it and putting in their cart. Do you think it sits for 6-10 hours? you bet ya! Thats why you put it to the fire to cook it.

Though, that is one reason I believe in a good fridge thermometer, grinding your own meat and having a good butcher that doesnt display all that they sell.

Oh and buy a good insta-read thermometer to check meat temp when smoking or grilling. I highly recommend a thermapen--the purple are the fastest.

Give a few country boys a little money, beer, an arc welder and power tools and great things can happen...or someone is going to the hospital or jail.