Originally Posted By: Shellie
Leo, TY for the info! I had no idea the microbes could destroy the fish as well. But I guess it makes sense. So, If I understand you correctly, hand removing, or vacuuming...plus an aerator, is my best option?

Thanks again,


Not sure what type of microbes Leo it thinking about but I been using a benificial microorganism for a couple of years now and no problems?? Well if you want to consider less muck a problem. There are a few Biological organics out there that work fairly well and even better if you are running air in your pond. I have yet to read anything where they hurt fish? I don't want to get into to much about who is best or whatever but from my own exp. I can tell you I really like a product called C-FLO / Muck Away is ok too but I used C-FLO last year and where I had 6 or 7 inches of muck I now have about 3 ish inches. I kid you not. I know this because I have to walk out to my feeder with waders on to fill it and this spring I couldn't believe the difference. I actually felt rock under there and I wasn't sinking near as bad.

Go here and check it out. www.clean-flo.com

The site and place is legit I have even talked to them on the phone. As a matter of fact I am going to order some more in about a week or so myself. I have NOT seen any issues with my fish or my fish being hurt in anyway with this product???

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!