Nice break down mnfish. I think this could work if he went with a fish he could feed. If you put LMB or Crappie or WE in that small pond you would have to feed them bait fish all the time to get them to grow. So either way your feeding. I would go with BG and setup a small feeder for them and feed twice a day. Between the feed and regular bugs and such I bet you could get some nice BG out of it. Course if any spawned which I figure they will they would have another food source as I know a lot of the babies would get ate also. If I was doing it just for food and I had at least a 1 acre pond. I would try WE or Crappie just to see if I could get it to work. I love me some WE!!! Crappie too! But in a 1/8th acre pond thats not really realistic I don't think.


The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!