Hey Dwight, how about some more snow pictures? We have been laughing out butts off here at the nursing home. People think we have it bad but they have no idea of what you poor blokes are going through. Maybe you, TJ and Omaha need to pool your money to buy a rooster. There are instructions on the internet to sacrifice it correctly. The nursing home is taking us to the beach tomorrow. I doubled up on my reading glasses(went from a 3 to 6) as the rage is string throngs. I have fished with bigger strings on my ultra-light reels. What kind of swim suits do you have up there? Three or four piece, does the fur go on the inside or outside. Maybe you should not have bought part of the NaNook family farm.Take care and don't forget winter starts on Sept.1.

Two ponds, 13 and 15 acres on the Mattaponi River.