I have done Cecil's idea above last year and it's worked to some degree. One needs to remember that your pond water may play a role in this as well. Right now your pond is full I bet. In the middle of the summer at least mine will end up 4 feet from the fence I put in and the dang bird will land in a tree and just drop down in front of the fence! They are not stupid. If they want in your pond bad enough they will work it out. I would also go with the 30lbs or higher line. I used 20 and I have found a couple of spots where mine is broken. So either the bird got into it and couldn't get out or maybe a deer broke it I am not sure?? Either way it's the best idea like Cecil says that you can use 24/7.


The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!