one really interesting similarity lies in the presence of a disgusting film of smelly algae that forms on the bottom of the pond in a blueish-green, gooey mat. This substance (maybe bluegreen algae?) then breaks apart and rises to the surface in puzzle-piece looking increments.
Iv'e been seeing the some of same thing you just described in our pond but you can still make out remnents of the dead and decaying coontail on the underside of it. I have alsways assumed that this was part of decay process on the dead vegeation.

Hmmmmm.....Looking at your picture Bruce I may have mistaken horned pond weed in our pond for Sago, I will have to double check the seeds. In years past I have seen this grow all the way to the surface in our pond in 11 ft of water before.

I am eagerly awaiting to hear what Bill says.