Fantastic. Thinking about what you might be feeling -- there is an old adage that the happiest two days of a boat owner's life is the day he buys it and the day he sells it. It isn't that way with ponds. Most of us have loved them from before we actually had them -- kind of liking waiting for a new baby to be born. For us "mature" guys, we don't want to face the day we get too feeble to play with our ponds.

The kids will greatly benefit from it. It will be a place of friends and family gatherings. It will be a place of great memories.

Take some time to get the know the pond a little bit. The season is still early. Figure out what is in the pond. The fishing pole survey you are planning is a great first start. Keep track of what you catch by size and type. Figure out what your goals are. Feeding will also help give you an idea of what size fish are in the pond. Many here can help guide you in your planning.

When you do your bottom mapping -- if it ain't 12' foot deep, it is no big deal. If it is more than 6-7 foot deep, that is all you really need.

Good luck, and welcome to Pond Boss.


P.S. You posted the photo while I was preparing this note. It looks beautiful.

Last edited by catmandoo; 04/17/13 12:18 PM. Reason: P.S. note

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