By the way Joshfcb, welcome to the forum. The answers are definitely here. Just takes some sorting thru to get to it, because there is so much info. I have a hard time with the search feature at times too, so don't feel alone. I find that just reading thru all posts will give you a lot of stuff to think about and learn. I would start by skimming thru the area "common pond q&a", and reading the ones that catch your eye.

With regards to your problem. I think that its going to take some money. You, and whoever else is involved, is going to need to get together and decide how much you are willing to put into the maintenance of the lake. --- yes, this is where a lot of problems will start to arise once money is involved. Decide what you want to spend up front to get it going and a yearly amount. That way you can keep up a routine plan.

At this time, I would also get a feel for what the goals for everybody is. Is it only to get rid of the FA, or good fishing(and what types), or swimming, etc.

It may be possible that your fishkill last year added to the nutrient load for this years FA problem. Seems like 10' should be good, but I am thinking that you either had to much fish in the pond, or you need an aeration system to avoid having another one.

To get rid of the FA, you will want to start looking into whether to tackle it chemically or naturally. Both are going to cost money.

Last edited by fish n chips; 04/14/13 06:30 AM.