Originally Posted By: kenc
We have a eagle's nest about 50 ft. from the top of our back pond. We leave a lot of fish on the ground around the boat dock. The eyes and the guts are the first things they eat so I suspect this is what is the best for them. GBH do the same thing so I would grind all of the fish up.

My crow family go for the eyeballs and innards first too. I think it's just easier for them to eat. However if they are really hungry, as in the dead of winter, it's amazing how clean they can leave a fish skin. Same goes for a snake. They seem to have skinning and eating a snake down to a science. I also think they love the challenge of killing a snake.

There is no way I would ever shoot a crow again. Too much fun to have around.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.