Good evening, Mr. Glazener! Trust me, it WILL be on video! You are SO right about taking the backing.... gone! Last one I caught over a year ago was 10lb 12oz and it was on a 8/9 wt fly rod with a 12lb leader.... does that sound right? We were using a 6/7 wt fly rod but upgraded just for the HSB. Steve doesn't think that'll be enough for this year's bunch. He said we'll have to go up to salt water gear! They are a crazy long fight! You know you have one we you start feeling that "jerking" and pure muscle taking off with your entire line!!! I bet it was a 20 minute battle (at least it felt like it). It went from one side of the pond to the next and back again.... I was exhaused! Boy, was it FUN though! smile

You have an open invitation to fish our pond anytime! It's gorgeous during the summer!