ML- I have never mentioned here, but I'm gonna own up to it. I have two ponds in my back yard here in Midland. They both have biofalls, skimmers and filters. They circulate at 3000 gallons per hour. The fish I have in them do great and the waterfall supplies a lot of oxygen. One thing to watch out for is evaporation. One pond has an automatic water fill, which is great, and the other one doesn't. With the waterfall and hot weather we tend to add water a couple of times per week to the one that doen'st have it. I have koi in mine and some rosey red FH. We have one koi we raised from a fingerling that is now like part of the family. We are thinking about bringing a bass or two back from the Zephyr pond and put in one of them. Good luck with yours.

In Dog Beers, I've had one.