Thanks for the info guys.

Esshup, (and any one else that cares to give their opinion.)

Forgive me if I start getting anally redundant here (no pun intended)

When you say "a ways to go" Are you making that judgement from the size of the fishes belly, or the looks of the area the eggs come out? ( I do not remember the scientific name, but hate to use the slang term on here as the childrens may be awake).

Some looked plumper than the others, and I dont know if it's due to merely egg numbers or egg size due to ripeness.

Do they quit feeding/biting as the call of love gets closer? Days/ hours?

It seems I recall Cody showing some photos here or in the magazine of the color change, and swelling in the area of egg departure.

I understand that monitoring and observing is the best teacher, but I'm afraid I'm going to be bobbing around in the Gulf of Mexico when the big moment happens. I'm looking to observe conditions up until I leave for sure. Would be cool if I had an idea how close it is to happening when I leave so I can have a better understanding if I come home to ribbons.

Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer.