Esshup's story reminded me of something that happened when I was a teenager and I felt I should post it.In southern NJ it isnt all that often we get ice on our ponds and lakes and few folks understand the dangers.Well one winter things had frozen over and my friend down the street took his dog for a walk in the sand pit where we hung out after school.This day in particular I was late because I brought my BB gun and had to wait for my parents permission(for the gun),when I arrived I found Bear but Jimmy was nowhere to be found.At the time I didnt think anything of it as he used to go under the fence and run there all the time.I just walked him back to the house and knocked looking for my friend,his mom answered,saw the cold wet dog and automatically knew something had happened.She was hysterical and possibly because of my age at the time but I still expected Jim to come walking out of one of the trails looking for Bear but I called the police anyway.It wasn't until I walked the police back to where I had found Bear that I realized what had happened.For some reason the dog ran onto the ice and tragically he decided to go after it.

To this day I still cant understand why he ran after that dog because he knew of the dangers.