I bought 1000' of 3/4" irrigation pipe yesterday. That along with 5- 3/4" couplings only cost me $111 at my local Menards. This was a bit cheaper than I expected and helping me to stay fairly close to my $500 budget. (Looking like this is going to be roughly a $600 project, and that isn't bad at all! I am very pleased as long as the rest goes as planned)

I didn't get around to e-mailing cleanponds.com (Ted) until late Friday afternoon. I hope to hear from cleanponds tomorrow and get the compressor and diffuser bought and on its way to me. I'm kinda hoping to have evertyhing by next weekend.

I will be stocking my pond for the second time this Friday. (I stocked it last year this same week for the first time) I am a bit concerned with starting this aerator system around that same time. I have been reading tons of topics around here though and confident in what I am doing and have a game-plan.

The reason I share these little details is for other newbs who come along in the future to perhaps learn from my experience/situation here. I can read something 10 times and not have a clue, but show me some pictures along with the story and things start to click. I will keep this updated and show some pics of the installation and will show some before and after pond/fish improvements as they unfold over time.

Pond Boss subscriber