Cecil my understanding is that fish is big enough to get the man an Alabama Master Angler certificate, which means that is between 15" to 17" and between 2.5 to 3.5 Lbs. If I understood the phone call correct the anglers caught 16 fish that fell into that range this morning.

Thanks RMedgar (btw the are fishing near the dam between Selma and Montgomery if you know anyone over that way that fishes.) I have several friends that do fishing & hunting trips for handicap people. This particular guy lost a leg and most of the use of his other leg. He was hit head on while cruising on his motorcycle by a female illegal immigrant that was driving while intoxicated without any license.

The biggest lump I ever had in my throat was a few years back when a volunteer had held a gun for a blind kid to shoot his first deer. The Kid was so excited telling everyone about killing the deer in the green field. You could have heard a pin drop when the kid stopped rubbing the deer (his way to see) and asked what a green field looks like.