Originally Posted By: JKB
Sure am glad that I don't use Dog's for utilitarian purposes.

I think of them as best friends, and not a Master/Slave rig.

I think this is a little shortsighted.

Many breeds were developed with specific "jobs" in mind, and it is a deep part of their nature to perform those "jobs."

I think a lot of dogs wind up in shelters and breed rescue programs because the owner wanted a companion dog that had the beauty or appeal of a particular breed, and did not anticipate the drive a dog may have because of its genetics.

In many cases, a purebred dog needs to be worked in order to be happy, and not letting them do so leads to chewing, barking, pacing, and all sorts of other social problems that are not good for dogs or families.

I have a German Shepherd, and he most definitely needs to be worked daily.

There is a truly beautiful bond that can develop between a dog, and the man (master) he is pleasing.

My cent and a half, FWIW.

To Hell with Georgia...