Originally posted by RLewis:
Meadowlark, I appreciate all the help you've given me in different posts....does the compressor for the air come with an aerator kit or would I need to supply that myself?
You can buy it either way depending on the brand you choose. I went with the Vertex system and they supplied the tubing and diffusers. I've been very pleased with that system. It has operated flawlessly without any problems now for three seasons.

If you buy from them, follow their directions on system start-up. Their directions gradually increase your operating hours up to whatever level you desire, including 24/7. In my case, I run 16/7 during the summer and phase down to 2/7 in winter and back up gradually in spring to steady state.

Ted is the resident expert on aeration systems and he also sells Vertex. Hopefully he will chime in with his expert advice. I think you will be very glad you installed an aerator...it sure helps.