Posting properly is imperative up here. We get our signs from the Sheriff's Office. The signs have to have specific nomenclature and state the MCL#, which references the law. They have to be placed every so often, depending on conditions. Main thing is, they have to be able to see them from every angle if entering your property. They are Blaze Orange, so kinda hard to miss. They don't have to be able to read them at any distance tho. All it takes up here is a witness for prosecution. With a game cam photo, the Judge don't even have to get out of bed wink

We have really good law enforcement in my property area, from State, County and Local Agency's. County usually deals with it, but local are all Deputized! Meaning, they can cross jurisdictions.

We did have quite a bit of trouble in the past with riff raff in the area, but that is cleaned up now. Sucks to be them wink , especially the neighbor kid doing Federal Time!

We all work together on problems. Like to live in peace. Do our own thing on our own property, which we have every right to, and not be bothered by Trash!

BTW, Game Warden (DNR Officer) would not have anything to do with someone fishing your private pond. Has to be poaching on/in State Waters. Land critters are a different story tho. Go ask a former resident in the area, who was a prolific poacher, till he nailed a Turkey, that was "HOT", what's it all about? After Prison, he never moved back. Nothing to move back to!

Sorry for going on, but this type of stuff effects everyone.