Originally Posted By: Travis brown
I would like to keep the aggressiveness and catchability with occasionally putting a few in a deep fryer.

Does the old standard still apply for fertilization rates and removing 30-35 lbs. of bass per acre? Or is there a new strategy?

I personally harvest all Bass caught under 16" after year 3 (12" from year 2 to 3).
Read this quote From MSU and you can see how they come about the 35# removed from fertilized ponds.
Producing big bass requires a commitment to proper harvest of bass. Do not harvest bass the first two years after stocking. Beginning in year three, harvest 15 (30 for fertilized ponds) pounds of bass per acre each year that are less than 12 inches. Removing these small bass reduces competition with remaining bass, providing more food for those that remain. Also, remove 5 pounds (10 for fertilized ponds) of bass per acre that are 12 to 15 inches each year. Release all bass over 15 inches unless you harvested them as trophies. Harvest bream as desired. Important: Supplying additional food alone will not produce trophy bass. Bass harvest must occur consistently! The biggest mistake in bass management is catch and release of all bass. Small bass need to be harvested to allow more food for fast growth of intermediate-sized bass.
