Thanks for the post Greg. I started this post wanting solid opinions, experience and feedback about GSD. I think I'm certainly getting that. Based on my goals, I've wanted to add larger forage for a couple of years. SE pond discouraged me from adding GSH last year. I brought up GSD early this year and they thought it would work. They of course brought up the negatives but did not try to talk me out of it. Noticed you are located in Ga. Do you have any clients in Alabama?

This is a great selling line:

"I tell clients when u get tired of catching 6 lb bass time to step it up with GZ."

Got to fish today with a buddy (off for President's day). Tough conditions, 15-20 mph winds all day. Four hours of fishing, caught only three....a 2.8, 5.5 and a 6. Fortunately my friend caught them all. I would be an easy sell with the above quote!

Steve, appreciate your comments. I've been wanting to hear from pond owners with GSD. Looks like you are in touch with a lot of pond owners. Spent some time on your web site. Looks like some great fishing ponds!