Remember that I speak from observation rather than research. The large Northern Pike may behave differently in varying pond situations.

Large NP will have an effect on most fish species because of the large amount of food they require. I think that most BG and those stunted LMB you discussed would be considered relatively small prey to a 30” plus NP.

We currently practice catch and release on all NP in our pond. NP under 26 inches would be removed but we haven’t seen one that small in years.

I don’t think NP spawn in our pond. We do see an occasional under 30” NP. It is a mystery where they come from. Maybe a large bird of prey grabs one out of the adjacent Rock River and accidently drops it in the pond. Like I said, a mystery…..

Interesting YOY NP aggression sidebar:
You can catch all the YOY NP you want angling for them without hooks. The river adjacent to our property has a small feeder creek that YOY NP frequent. All you do catch them is tie on a piece of surgical tubing, no hook. They will attack the surgical tubing and bite down hard. Wind them in; you will have to force their jaw open to get your “lure” back!

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