I haven't had much coffe this morning, but I have pondered a possibility for seperating "hot and cool air" in aerated systems to only pump the cool air in the water. This would be done with the use of a "Vortex" tube after the pump. We use them at work in high heat locations for our control equipment. Without getting into a long post on how they work, I will send a link, http://www.vortexair.biz/Cooling/VortexCooler/vortexcooler.html
The biggest down fall I can think of is that the compressor would need to be bigger to make up for the lost "hotter" air.

I am not sure what the net temp effect would be, but I will go measure the difference between the hot and cool air discharge so we will know what the difference of air that would be given to fish in the summer. It would be nice if the water was 77 degrees, the air temp was 85, and we could put 70 degree air in, this may give aerated systems a cooling advantage in the summer, but........I need to do some measuring.

My momma never accused me of being to smart....