Kingfish-sounds like you've got a unique place.

What are you trying to accomplish/remedy with your stocking? I don't mean to sound stupid, of course you want to grow more/bigger fish, but simply stocking forage to promote growth in such a large BOW might be impractical, even if your funds are indeed extensive. Also, if you've already got a population of crays at equilibrium with predators, just adding a bunch more isn't going to make a significant difference for anything but a few days-even if you add hundreds of pounds.

To actually answer your question, rather than give unsolicited advice:

I've seen "native" crawdads in our area from $4-6.00/lb.
Someone posted on the forum from Texas recently offering juvenile crawdads at $1/lb-with the qualification that they would burrow into any pond with a levee and make it leak. I'm not sure I'd go that direction.
Some fish sellers around here offer 50lb bags of craws at $2.00lb. These are the same craws people eat. There's a good chance that they won't establish in your pond [at least one forum member tried this, they just crawled out of the pond and died], but could give a brief bump in forage. At 2.00/lb, though, it makes Aquamax look cheap.

Tilapia in my area range from $6-10/lb depending on time of year, source, size, and species. They shouldn't overwinter in Birmingham.