Originally Posted By: JKB

Most people I know who fish, do it for the dinner table, and some sport, but usually to bring home keepers. eek

I have said this before, and I know it is not popular, but I have never known of anyone to purposely rig up for LMB.

No need to take this wrong, just the way it is.

George would probably enjoy hooking into a 10+ lb Steelhead, with his fly rig in one of our rivers. No need for thermal underwear if it is cold out wink

JKB my friend, I would love to hook into one of your 10+ lb steelies but wouldn't be any better than a big Alaskan King from a remote stream accessable only by helicopter... grin

N.E. Texas 2 acre and 1/4 acre ponds
Original george #173 (22 June 2002)