I will try to answer both your questions as general as possible.

Russ, Aquakler will become somewhat more reactive with higher temperatures as will most reactions. However, Aquakler's reaction is more based on pH. The lower the pH the faster the release of oxygen. With regard to your question on what kills trout quicker I can not answer, but like all aerobic organisms oxygen is very important. That being said, the solubility of Oxygen increases with the decrease of water temperature. Trout naturally live in cooler waters which contain much high levels of DO as opposed to warmer waters. Again these are my thoughts...I am not an expert in trout farming.


You can always overload the system with P, we have been doing it for hundreds of years now, and we have drastically increased the curve in the last 150 years. But, I understand this is not your question.

The amount of transition metals are the key. When you have much more P than transition metals you will overload the system. This is not normally the case, but it is possible. In this case you would be saturating the sediment and the water with DO. If you wanted to off set the load of P you could do so with the proper steps, but I assume that you would want the P for a specific reason as growing phytoplanton, etc.

Aquakler will act as a buffer to raise the sub-aqueous pH. Once it has reached close to a nuetral pH the reaction will begin to slow down. You would have to put an exuberant amount of Aquakler in a to change the pH of the water column and most developed pond are well buffered naturally. I can not see this being an issue.

Hope this helps...thanks for the questions.

R. Wicker
Geoponics LLC