Originally Posted By: FireIsHot
George, let's say you have budgeted $500 to buy LMB. I think if size is what you're after, then buying 200 4-5" LMB would be better than buying 500 2-3" LMB. They could eat larger forage fish, and have less competition for the forage that's available.

Right now, I'm trying to reverse my own bad decisions, by adding structure specifically for forage protection. I need them to grow bigger, faster, stronger.

I'm jonesing to learn more about the Camelot Bell's like yours, but would be curious if in a pond like mine is presently, if I would get the growth numbers you're seeing. They are more aggressive, and I'd want to make sure they had plenty eat.

Heading out soon.

Al, I have some good ideas - I like small water for grow out smaller inexpensive stockers to transfer to main lake.
See 'ya in a bit!

N.E. Texas 2 acre and 1/4 acre ponds
Original george #173 (22 June 2002)