Jeff, I echo everyone's sentiments here.

It is too far away for you to be able to check pawn shops on a regular basis for your things, but Craigslist is easiy accessible for you. There are $2 apps on smartphones that work even better than the web application. You can enter the zip code of the property site and then a certain mile radius. Every time someone would list an item matching what was stolen (Polaris Ranger, Husky Chainsaw, Generator) it would send you an alert. It would be easy to check every couple of days and only take a few minutes of time. PM me if interested and I can show you how to set it up.

Let the Polaris dealer in the area know it was stolen. I really doubt it would show up there but the scumbags may not be well thought out.

The law enforcement types on here can probably suggest some other stuff too. I really feel for you. I am losing faith in humanity.