Thanks for the input so far guys......TJ, while we havent closed ont he property yet, we did put a contract on it. We are just waiting for the title paperwork to come back, we should close by mid December at the latest.

Here is the gist of why I am asking and yes it is "premature" but I like to have things planned out in my head way ahead of time, I might have a touch of OCD....

It is difficult for us right now to look at the view from way back. There are trees surronding the entire pond and we want to leave the trees on all the sides except where the house will be....thus is makes it tough to judge.

Our initial thoughts were to put the house 150 or so feet away from the pond, that way we could have an actual "backyard" (not a huge issue with 50 acres) where the kids etc can play without being right up against the pond, we would have a "big view" meaning that if we sat on the back porch you would see the entire 2.5 acre pond and that location works best with where the property percs best (that far away we can use a traditional gravity fed septic instead of pumping). We thought we had the spot picked out.....on the SE side of the pond oriented to the NW.

Then we visited friends that live on a 1300 acre lake. They brought up some things that we never thought about. Things like, in the summertime the people facing to the west on the lake get horrible glare fromt he lake that almost eliminates their ability to enjoy the lake after about 4pm.

So that is where the questions came from.....I understand the scale of a 1300 acre lake changes the "rules" froma 2.5 acre pond and we arent looking to orient due west but I was worried the sun reflecting off the pond late in the day could cause issues if we had the house oriented to the NW.

Breetski, I am glad you chimed in, I was looking at your website yesterday trying to figure out how far from the pond you have your place.