As you can see, I'm new here. I have a small farm pond, that I am guessing is 100' x 100' and 12'deep in the middle (or was when new). It was built around 1960 and is fed by run off from yard and grass field. This is a "retired" farm so not a lot of chemicals used any more. The edges are overgrown with cattails. There are lots of bottom weeds. We want to restore the pond for swimming and fishing (currently stocked with bass and bluegill).
I know I need to install an aeration system. I'm assuming that as a rookie I should consider a "package" system. Budget, of course, is a problem. A major cost factor seems to be weighted vs non-weighted airline. I've tried some searchs but think I am using the wrong terms. In any case, could someone give me a quick primer on why I might want to spend the extra money on weighted line?
