Well it happened, and it couldn't have been a nicer day, or more fun. Brian's place was the perfect spot for this first get together, and we all certainly appreciate the effort Brian and Heather had in putting all this together.

Having something like this on a BOW seems like a perfect evolution to all that Pond Boss is about. We all met around 10 (with one late surprise guest for George, Eric West), and took a tour of Brian's place. He is intensively managing his lake, and spent time explaining what his goals were down the road. He set up a solar powered aerator that he's working on, and having the ability to set a system up in a remote region was interesting to say the least.

Brian's Lake (It ain't a pond)

But, George was the King for a Day, and we all got a lesson in what humility, knowledge, and fun can bring to the table. There's no way I believe that George is 88 years old. He has a intellectual drive, and a continuing sense of curiously that is rare in a person of any age. But, Nicky's the boss, so don't let George fool you into thinking any different.

After a lunch of great BBQ (thanks Mark), George sat down and demonstrated the making of the Cecil's pellet fly. The previously posted pics don't do this method justice. It's incredibly easy to make, and it's value makes perfect sense. Those of you that know George, know that he is probably not a fly fishing "purist" in some people's eyes. But, his match the hatch talk, changed that for me. If you're matching the worm, bug, or fish that a predator may eat, then a pellet fly makes perfect sense. It is in fact, matching the hatch.

George and Eric during pellet fly demonstration

After that George gave us all a casting lesson. It's a shame that people, including myself, think that casting a 1/64th ounce bait is tougher than it is. Believe me, George can hit a gnat in the air at will. We all paired up and practiced until we got the hang of it, then walked down to Brian's lake and fished for a while.

George and fly casting 101 class

There was much more that went on, but the fun of this 1st NE Texas get together can't be over emphasized enough. All of us there face basically the same issues, and successes, and sharing ideas was great fun. If any of you in other areas of the country have the opportunity to do something like this, then jump on it. It was in fact, that much fun.

Left to Right: Nicky, George, Eric, and Dave.

I'm sure others that were there will give their thought's and pics too, but these were mine. I'm tired of thinking now.