Originally Posted By: george1
Originally Posted By: FireIsHot
I certainly agree about Brian calling the shots on this.

And a rattle trap clone? Thinking outside the box is exactly what you bring to this for me. How dare you not throw a "classic" fly. grin

Somewhere in Montana, there's an Orvis clad, Sage using, fly fisherman having night tremors. I love it!

Anybody interested in “down and dirty” fly fishin’ besides me and Al?
Caught a bunch of Florida bass for Brian last week on this RT - Brian owes Mrs. G, a Fire Tiger model I lost. Bushy strcture eats RT’s so I tied up this weedless,/snagless bass bug.
Betcha it works….

No tweed coat, pipe smoking, Sage fly rod, Montana, Itsy/Bitsy purist fly fishermen need apply grin

This is what makes it rattle:

Any of you N/NE Texas guys/gals not coming to Brian's Field Trip/Mini PB Conference are going to miss out on a good party cool

N.E. Texas 2 acre and 1/4 acre ponds
Original george #173 (22 June 2002)