I helped out a good friend of mine who is a well driller here in Indiana for a while and I talk to him several times about puting a well in for my pond. I will tell you this. You can't go by what your neighbors wells are at. It can change one place to the next here. Don't know if its because of the lay of the land or what??? I was wondering about one of the drive your own wells in and he told me it would probably be a waist of money. I do have a guy at work 3 miles south of me that put a well in a well for his house and he doesn't even need a pump to get the water to the pond it has a really good flow naturaly. And sorry to see your pond that low. I'm 3' plus but, after seeing your pictures I will start thanking my lucky stars.

Last edited by Frozengator; 11/08/12 01:12 AM.