lassig flip me an email if you could. Im headed up to Knox county and buddy to Fulton county. Love to get the rut report.

I hunted again this am. 13 deer Thursday, 7 bucks. Friday just 5 but one nice 3 yr old 130ish I let walk. This am 9 5 bucks all scrubs. They are moving in this cool weather.

We should hit it for some great weather next week. Im going up to hunt my KY farm friday and saturday but it is going to be hot. I should be hutning by Sunday little NE of you. I had another client report major losses to EHD I hope it has not effected your herd too badly.

BGK, ground check is my way of sayig to kill him and then check his score with a tape. Get it?, must be a southern thang.

Greg Grimes