Good morning all, sorry been really bussy at work. Here is what happen no my pond. a gaint mess. after the pond was dug out it would not hold water. the ess-13 folks out ofAZ. were great. They flew up (on there own dime) after i sent them soil samples to do a last site inspection before they started the process, this was in Oct. After the inspection was over they told me they had very BAD news. my big pond,(one acre) was all slit,not sure what the slit is. Bottom line i needed 2,000 yards of goood clay put in the pond before they could do there thing. The cost or bid i got was a100.00 per dump truck load, (10 yard truck) Iwas sick. Already have spent 19,000. don't have anymore money for now. S00000 i have a big dry pond sitting there. The ess-13 bid was 10,000 to seal the pond up to 1 acre. These people were very honest. they refused to do a half assed job. When i get money for clay i will finish. the pond bottom for a liner is to rocky. Iam screwwd for now. thought i would have a beautiful pond by the end of Oct.