Originally Posted By: rmedgar
Cat, that's very interesting. Thanks for the info. Didn't you have an issue with the power company about 3-4 years ago? If it's on-going or you just don't want to talk about it - no problem...


I certainly don't mind talking about it. Yes, it went on for a number of years.

Unfortunately, it may just become a subject that us moderators have to watch very closely, as parts of it may be quite controversial. I would ask all who read this, to read it with an open mind, and to not turn it nasty or deroggatory. If it starts to get controversial or political, I'll be the first one to help shut it down and get rid of all posts past this one, and including this one.

For us, it all started five years ago this month, when I received what I thought was a "junk" phone call from a negotiator from the threatening power company. It had actually started about six years ago -- more about that below.

About 20 months ago, we really thought we were gonners from this place. We were sick to our bones over what was happening, and there was virtually nothing we could do. We could not get any hard numbers from the power company, but it appeared that we would lose this place to emminent domain. We couldn't buy another place. Because of being in the middle of the huge economic downturn, it appeared we were going to lose far more than our entire net worth. We would basically be bankrupt in our early 60s, without a home, and without the money to buy another place. It really took a toll on our health.

Our adjacent neighbor went banckrupt due to this. He was in his mid-30s, and he and his wife were in the midst of a divorce. They couldn't hold out. The particular power company that was threatening us, bought their property for the owed taxes. It had been in his family for generations. Now, for over two years, this property is just vacant and has a deteriorating house. The property has become an eyesore at the entrance to our property. It has become a dumping ground for things like like tires, big appliances , etc. It has become public property that no one controls. The county will not step in due to funding, and they don't have the power to make the absentee out-of-state non-traditional landonwers clean it up. So, the tires and trash build up.

About 20 months ago, a number of things happened, all at once. It was kind of like the moon and stars all aligned. We had nothing to do with it. However, we had scheduled a major pow-wow here that included people like Bob Lusk and Todd LaNeve to see what we could salvage.

The Thursday before our scheduled gathering, the threatening power company cancelled the project. This threatening power company basically disappeared overnight, leaving us all in the lurch, and with lots of uncollectable bills, and with no one to go after. They finally dissolved all parts of the corporation about three months ago.

The purpose of the threatening power company was to build several coal-fired power plants in Southern West Virginia to supply cheap power, from unscrubbed coal, to Northern New Jersey. None of the generated power was intended for WV, VA, MD, DEL, or PA. The powerlines would run through each of these states, before entering NJ.

Part of the decision to pull out was based on the incumbant power company's plans to completely rebuild the powerline that has existed since the 1960s. That got the regulators attention. The original power company has been building enormous numbers of wind farms between Sunil's pond and our pond for a number of years. They have also significantly modernized their coal-fired power plants west of where I live, and just south of Sunil's.

The final straw was Google getting involved. Google decided to build a massive undersea infrature, tens of miles off the east coast. It ranges from Norfolk to northern New Jersey. When complete, it will move all and distribute many different kinds electric power throughout the mid-Atlantic area, without the need to purchase massive amounts of inland land for wires.

Then there is Marcellous Shale. It too is rather controversial, and a somewhat hot subject around here. Underneath NY, PA, Ohio, WV and a few other states, there is an incredibly massive amount of natural gas that is being tapped. It too is planned to provide power.

So, with all that --

The original power company is rebuilding the 1960s power line. New towers. New lines. New power sources.

Because of the horrible reputation of the other power company, this power company has been extremely respectful and helpful to landowners, such as us. Their line covers a swath about 150 x 1200 feet across our property. They have put up fencing and gates to prevent trespassers. They come and talk to us before they do anything significant on our property. If we have issues, we have always been able to come to reasaonable compromises.

I think things can work. I don't know what will happen when they switch over to the new lines.

Worst case, I'm looking forward to glow-in-the-dark monster fish that are easy to catch. If they don't affect my health for at least 20 years -- great!

As my 88 year old father-in-law recently sent to me for my birthday, via his I-Pad -- "May the beer be cold -- you are old!"

Currently yours,

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