Here's a related question for you all. As mentioned on some other threads I have a FA and a duckweed problem in my pond. This year I have been pumping my pond water through the bog to take some of this out and I have added some bacteria. I have less duck weed this year than most but I still have one section of pond totally covered with duckweek. My pond is two sections separate by a narrow channel. The prevailing winds blow all duck weed to one end of pond. For a month now one end of pond has been totally covered very thick. What do you think this does for oxygen level in pond especially when you consider that it appears that my bottom diffuser is not putting any significant amount of air into the water. One would think a total surface covering would drastically inhibit oxygen uptake from the surface. I have not had any fish die off nor any hint of oxygen shortage. Any experience or theories on this out there?

Gotta get back to fishin!