Originally Posted By: catmandoo
Originally Posted By: JKB
Sorry sub, some things you should leave up to qualified professionals.

You can survive many DIY mistakes. Electrocution is not one of them!!!

I kind of feel guilty. I almost feel like we've been too tough on Submarine as a new member to Pond Boss. I started the negative answers. Yet, I'm also glad that we have been as tough as we have been.

I feel I am one of the "qualified professionals." As an electrical engineer, I was in the military-industrial electronics world for well over 40 years. In the last 12 years, as the head of some extremely stringent manufacturing, installation, and field service groups, with a company that is one of the largest in the world, I was also was the Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) officer for our group until we could find someone who really understood all aspects of chemical, electrical, mechanical, etc., safety.

Our safety record, our production record, our effectiveness record, and our profitability record were amongst the best in industry.

In my lifetime, I've seen way too much death and maiming from poor decisions, mismanagement, and stupid mistakes that could have been very simply avoided with a just little education and caution. It greatly affected my direct family.

As for all of this preaching, all you have to do is go back in the history of this forum, and you will find that I'm lucky to still be alive, have all my limbs, and maybe still have a mind strong enough to post here.

Stay Safe,

I feel the same way Ken, about being a bit harsh.

I just have a picture in my mind of a youngster running down to the pond to catch a frog or something and...

That's the only reason I said anything.

I work for an electrical contractor. My primary function is automation engineering/controls. I am also technical support for 28 licensed electricians. However, I am Not an electrician.

Being on the lakeshore, we do quite a bit of work with water related electrical. Our guys know what they are doing.

I feel the answer I gave above is most appropriate. I would never give DIY instructions to someone in a potentially life threatening situation.

Last edited by JKB; 10/07/12 04:42 PM.