I'm in the process of getting all of my pieces (pipes, pvc etc) put together and will test it tomorrow. Esshup made a good point about priming - I think I can rig it up so I use the last 15' of the old trash pump hose that will allow me to fill all 60' of hose going down into the well. If I can get the water up to and through the pump, it's all down hill to the pond. Do you think I need to prime or would I have a better chance with the pump pulling the water straight up - I can use a standard 1.5" or 2" pvc pipe with an open end at the bottom of the well and try to suck the water up the final 30' to the pump or use the old trash pump and fill all the way up to the pump. Which would be best?
As a reminder, the well appears to be 60' deep with 30' of water. Obviously, I'm hoping for a huge amount of water and not just 30' of water x a 6" pipe!!! We should know tomorrow. Thanks for the interest and suggestions.

Just do it...