Thanks for the fish ID, Google provided me with a ton of pictures and information, I am 100% sure you folks are correct, there are a LOT of pictures out there, most all of em look like these guys.

I have asked the bass guy, on the rare occasions he will have to fish, to refocus his efforts to target the many 6-8" bass lurking around.

I have been studying the "water chemistry" forum for additional information to help me understand my water sample test results a little better. Since it appears that the format results reported back to the pond owner are quite varied and far from standard, they are kinda difficult to compare side by side for a better grasp, but I am slowly getting there....I think smile

In retrospect, I wish I would have also taken a sample of the clear, cool deep well water that I add so much of to the pond year round. I think it may be worth it to go back and sample that was well, just to make sure there is nothing to odd in it, although adding as much as I do, I THINK if something was way out of range, it should be affecting my current results, with roughly 750,000 gallons added every 5-6 weeks in the really hot months, for the last 7 years. But, the sample would reassure me that the make up water is indeed harmless.

Thanks to all of you, I have learned so much more about our pond just in the last month or so than I could have imagined. And, I just got another issue of PB in the mail last week, so all is good!