ewest- will do on the updates. I will be waiting a couple of weeks for the next placement. Cooler water conditions to minimizing stress on fish I want released.

TJ- 20' lead on my net. It's not bad with one guy in waders. Don't know about it with a boat. I can't imagine it would be that hard. Having everything ready at the shore BEFORE pulling the net is key. Next time I pull by myself I'm going to have a 50 gallon tub of pond water waiting. I think it will be less stressful to the fish and easier to sort them in the tub instead of inside the net.

Inteserting note to me...the last throat is about 3" in diameter (didn't measure just approximating). I was thinking the trap would limit the size of fish caught. WRONG! All fish and non-fish swam thru that little hole.