TJ - Thank you. I hope others will learn something from my experience

No feeding on any of my ponds. All BG's weighed were at 100% RW or better. My goal is 10-12", .5-1lb or better BCP. Of couse I caught the bass first trap pull, with no scale, ruler, or tag gun at the pond (i am an idot). The water was so warm, I didn't want to stress her/him so I just released.

I wondered the same thing about LMB. I would have thought it would be distended from all the food. But the again no scale, and no ruler so can't be forsure. Also, this explosion of BH. I am starting to wonder if one of the neighbor kids is "doing me a favor" or did me a favor by dropping in fish. Not likely, but it is a possibility.

The net is very easy to use. I used stakes on both ends but will be going to an anchor on the back and stake on the lead.

If things continue like this, I will be getting rid of my 4 box traps. I love the storage of this baby. 2'x4'x3". Lays flat right on the shelf.