I was able to remove maybe 2-3lbs of BH. A long way to go. Have any trapping secrets for BH?

I was afraid of this type of trap and the muskrats. When I lifted the trap for the first time and I found 13 turtles and a dead rat, I justed wanted a hug. Story coming:

My friend and I were 6 deep into a case, down by the pond, watching the trap and talking about the up coming hunting season. I told him how great I thought this new trap would be. How many fish I could catch in one day. So on and so forth. I left the trap in from 7am - 7pm. When we pulled it up, he laughed so hard I thought he might wet himself. "Is that what were eating for dinner?," he said. There was about 10 small BG, 1 dead rat, 13 very tired turtles.