I learned the hard way to put the cover out away from the dock in deeper water. And farther away than a kid can sling a line from a pole. Otherwise the fishing experience is one hang-up after the next. And all you have to do is rattle the bush and disturb the water once for the fish to spook away for quite a while.

Brush can be over-rated in a small lake. You already have the fish hemmed up. They can't leave. However it is fun to fish around, and it does give some protection to small fry and fingerlings against the larger predators. But it can be a nightmare trying to fish around from a dock if you are helping children fish. They'll stay tangled up half the time. If you do this a few times, it won't be long until you will be trying to figure out a way to move the cover out away from the dock.

Don AKA "Bill"