Almost 2 years have gone since the first fish were stocked. Now it's the right time to eat some of them, isn't it?
Largest caught carps were about 2kg in weight. Not bad (about ~0,3 kg when stocked). Many other fish were witnessed and everthing seems quite OK. But... the story isn't about that. Who likes to read such stories without any pictures? Nobody actually...

I received a message from my brother. After visiting this pond he found a dead sturgeon and sent message to me. The prime suspect was blue heron (there are some of them left despite our plans to eliminate all of them around the pond). But then I asked about the size of this fish. Theoretically it should be at least 1-2 kg in weight and it's too much for a heron. This fish was like 30 cm in length only!
After that I received a better report and a picture too. Seems like this fish has been sick for some while (maybe some parasitic worms inside). It looks like it hasn't eaten for a long time. Too bad that nobody tried to look inside it...