"Their mouth is large and they will eat small fish and big insects when large."
.....Meaning this in a detrimental way? If they could reproduce, then it would become bad?

"Horny head nor creek chubs will spawn in your pond. When they are gone they are gone no reproduction."
.....I have a constant surface spring going into the pond (50GPM). I created a sediment pool before it goes into pond. There is a dam that separates the two with a pipe. When the pond is at full pool, fish could swim up-spring. They could always swim down-spring as long as they fit thru pipe. Does this change my situation any with them reproducing?

grin Deepfried creek chubs........ goes right with my fried butterfly wings..... a new style of fish n chips

Last edited by fish n chips; 08/05/12 06:54 PM.