Any given day, I could catch as many trophy CNBG, several trophy class HSB and a couple of nice Florida LMB that I wanted to fish for …… .
Until MOTHER NATURE took over management of our pond.

I had the 2 acre pond in perfect balance, stocked to the max with preferred species to achieve my goals, when a couple of years of record breaking drought and hot weather shrunk the 2 acre pond to 1 acre and had a partial fish kill June of last year – a record breaking month of consecutive 100+ degree days.

Never saw so many 5-8lb LMB and HSB floaters I my life.
Started putting my thoughts and options together and first was how to design an aeration system that could survive record heat and drought conditions.
We had a “state of “art” bottom diffuser aeration system but obviously not capable of handle current conditions

I discussed current situation with Todd Overton and his key question was – “George do you want to continue fishing of throw in the towel?” Those of you that know me know my obvious answer.

Due to old bones and extreme health conditions and the frustration of not being able do what I had always done for myself, I turned over pond management program to Todd as my primary consultant.

It worked!
Photos below

Program Plan and Implementation:

Phase 1 - Install surface aerator to assist bottom diffuser system.

Phase 2 – Control Invasive Aquatic Vegetation:
Control massive invasion of water primrose, algae and duckweed.
October 2011 – Stocked 20 Grass Carp
April 2012 - Stocked 20lbs Mozambique Tilapia.
Program currently successful.

Phase 3 – Restocking program implemented:
October 2011 – Stocked 100 8-10 HSB and 20 Florida LMB.
No CNBG at this time due to good numbers of large Survivors.

Phase 4 – Future restocking plan.
Fall 2012 – Stock 100 adult mostly male OTS CNBG – my great – great – great grandbaby CNBG, to take advantage of Overton selective breeding program.
Stock 100 additional 8-10 inch HSB and an additional dozen or so adult pure Florida LMB for son Jeff.

Yeah, I know I push the envelope –but that’s just me.
I want to credit three outstanding PondBoss professional fisheries biologist friends for my successful past program.
Bob Lusk of PondBoss fame, who first advised on correction of my error in stocking fingerling forage fish that turned into expensive fish food, after stocking adult LMB from a neighbor’s pond.

Bob Waldrop of Tyler Fish Farms for impressing me on the importance of good fish genetics.

Todd Overton of Overton Fisheries, who was willing to take the financial risk of purchasing fingerling HSB to grow out adult stockers, not knowing whether there would be a market or not – turned out there was!

Many other PondBosser friends that helped me out along the way, to which I owe a huge sense of gratitude - thanks to all!

Overton has become my primary fisheries consultant and now manager, not only because of his TAMU fisheries graduate education as well as extensive experience, but because he has the resources of hatchery facility and 30 brood/grow-out ponds, in addition to a couple of large ponds, to be able to implement some of my hair–brained ideas..

We “photo-shocked” yesterday – no nets used to eliminate risk of stress on fish with 93.8 near surface water temperature and 99 degree air. Observation was more fish kill survivors than expected.
Photos below of activities:

N.E. Texas 2 acre and 1/4 acre ponds
Original george #173 (22 June 2002)