Dave and Travis, here is the lastest and greatest pseudo cane pole:

Tenkara rods are ideal for mountain stream fly fishing and for catching smaller fish such as bluegill or smallmouth. Tenkara rods are ultra lightweight, very portable, telescoping into a mere 20 inches, and thus excellent for backpacking. At eleven to over fourteen feet long, all tenkara rods shine when fishing in mountain streams and their simplicity is a huge draw for other places too.

Although we want to keep our lineup simple, we thought anglers would benefit from a good selection of rods to fit their needs.
You may watch this 7 minute video for a walk-through of our tenkara rod models. And, here's a chart to help assist in selecting your tenkara rod.

Quick suggestions: If in doubt, get the 12ft Iwana, a great all arounder. The 13ft Ayu for average and relatively open stream and desire for a softer rod. 13ft-14ft7in Ito is our premium rod and an excellent tenkara rod for more open mountain streams. The 11ft Iwana is good for tighter streams with lots of trees overhead. The 12ft Yamame and 13ft6inches Amago are good options if you constantly catch fish over 17inches or bass.

N.E. Texas 2 acre and 1/4 acre ponds
Original george #173 (22 June 2002)